Is Industrial Policy Still a Dirty Word?
11:45 AM - 2:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Development Dialogue at DACOR
Event Description
Please note this is a hybrid event - you have the option to attend in person or virtually. Registrations are required for all attendees. For in-person attendees, the event will run from 11:45 am - 2 pm and will include lunch. The live stream will begin at 12:55 pm (virtual attendees will be sent a link for the event via email). This event is co-hosted by DACOR and UAA.

In a world facing numerous economic challenges there is renewed debate about the role of industrial policy and government support for firms and industries deemed strategically important. In addition to being controversial for developing countries, it has of late been seen as part of the arsenal of policies that advanced economies undertake to deal with their domestic issues of inequality, loss of manufacturing jobs, and the pursuit of national economic interests - including the worry about relying on adversaries for critical resources such as semiconductors and pharmaceuticals.  

Prof. Danny Leipziger, Professor at GW's School of Business and former Vice President for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management at the World Bank, where he launched the Spence Commission on Growth and Development, will address the topic of industrial policy, asserting that it is no longer a dirty word but now one that requires a fresh examination in light of geo-political developments and the resurgence of economic nationalism.

Danny Leipziger is Professor of International Business and International Affairs at George Washington University, where he is concurrently the Managing Director of the Growth Dialogue. He has been an advisor to the governments of South Korea, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Uzbekistan, Argentina, and South Africa, among others.
A former Vice President for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management at the World Bank (2004-2009), he also held senior management positions in the East Asia and Latin America Regions. While at the World Bank, he led the team preparing the emergency financial bailout loan to Korea in 1997. He was the World Bank’s Director for Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure for Latin America (1998-2004). He served previously in the U.S. Department of State and was a Member of the Secretary’s Policy Planning Staff. Leipziger was Vice Chair of the Spence Commission on Growth and Development and he served on the World Economic Forum Council on Economic Progress.
An economist with a Ph. D. from Brown, he has published widely on development economics, finance and banking, and on East Asia and Latin America. He is the author of several books, including Lessons of East Asia (U. of Michigan Press), Stuck in the Middle (Brookings Institution), and Globalization and Growth and more than 50 refereed and published articles in journals and other outlets. He is a frequent contributor to VoxEU, Project Syndicate, and other media, and he has appeared on Bloomberg, BBC, CCTV and Korean TV as an expert commentator. He contributes frequently to the Financial Times
Setting: Hybrid
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Washington, DC 20006

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Contact Person
DACOR Programs
(phone: 202-682-0500 x120)
  • In-person - DACOR & UAA Members: $35
  • In-person - Non-members: $45
  • Virtual: $10
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Dr. Danny Leipziger
Managing Director, The Growth Dialogue; Professor of Practice of International Business, George Washington University

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